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Management and ‏ investment
Stategy and Policy

Executive Leaders

Majid El-abd
Majid El-abd Chairman
MAIC principal founder. Ph.M in hospital digital transformation. M.Arch in in healthcare facilities planning and design.
Vacant Managing Director, Saudi Arabia
MAIC- Saudi share holder and managing director. Degree in healthcare services development.
Sameh Zeidan
Sameh Zeidan CEO, Middle East
MAIC co-founder. Medical Laboratory Specialist, Project Management Professional (PMP).
Christopher Shaw
Christopher Shaw COO, Europe
MAIC co-founder. M.Arch in healthcare facilities planning and design. Founder of healthcare planning and architects practice Medical Architecture - UK.
Vacant COO, Middle East
Degree in healthcare services development.
Expertise and Leadership
Projects and Operations

Speciality Leaders

Vacant SVP, Medical Technology
Managing projects related to the acquisition, implementation, and maintenance of medical equipment and technology within healthcare facilities.
Vacant SVP, Patient Experience
Focusing on projects aimed at enhancing the patient experience. This includes improving communication, reducing wait times, and increase patient satisfaction.
Vacant SVP, Construction and Renovation
Managing projects related to the construction, renovation or maintenance of healthcare facilities, including hospitals and clinics. It includes planning, budgeting, and coordinating construction activities
Hisham Ezzat
Hisham Ezzat SVP, Health Information Systems
Speciality Leader - Managing projects related to implementing and optimising health information systems (HIS), other IT solutions in healthcare settings. MBA. B.E. Biomedical & Systems Engineering
Vacant SVP, Policies and Guidelines
Managing projects related to the implementation of healthcare policies and regulations. This involve ensuring compliance with government standards and effective and efficient delivery of healthcare services
Vacant SVP, QI and Safety
Focusing on projects aimed at enhancing the quality of healthcare services and ensuring patient safety. This includes implementing best practices, quality metrics, and continuous improvement initiatives.
Vacant SVP, Education and Training
Managing projects related to the development of education programs for healthcare professionals, as well as public health campaigns to promote health literacy and awareness.
Vacant SVP, Telehealth and Telemedicine
Managing projects related to providing healthcare services remotely, using telecommunications technology. It includes virtual consultations, remote monitoring, and other digital health solutions to enhance access to healthcare.
Vacant SVP, Clinical Research
Managing projects related to advancing medical knowledge through research and development of new drugs, treatments, and medical technologies. Clinical trials and studies contribute to evidence-based medicine.
Vacant SVP, Public Health
Focusing on projects related to public health programs aim to prevent and control diseases, promote health and well-being, and improve population health. This includes vaccination campaigns, health education, and community outreach.
Vacant SVP, Education and Training
Managing projects related to the development of education programs for healthcare professionals, as well as public health campaigns to promote health literacy and awareness.
Vacant SVP, Telehealth and Telemedicine
Managing projects related to providing healthcare services remotely, using telecommunications technology. It includes virtual consultations, remote monitoring, and other digital health solutions to enhance access to healthcare.

Accordion #1

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Accordion #2


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