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Healthcare services development

About MAIC

Healthcare Architect

MAIC is a one stop shop that revolutionises expertise access and overcomes most of the deficiencies characterising consultation services offered to healthcare providers.

At MAIC, we are a global team of experts specialised in various aspects of healthcare services development. Our team is evolving from a small group of forward-thinking healthcare services consultants to an international corporation made up of various related specialities such as Architects, Business Analysts,  Strategy Planners, Building Engineers, and Medical Equipment Planners. We are always looking for new talented professionals to expand our business. You are welcome to join us.

Majid Elabd

Founder & Chairman

Healthcare Transformation

The healthcare landscape is dynamic, with evolving patient needs and expectations, technological advancements, and regulatory requirements. Healthcare service providers continuously face various pressures that derive the need for continuous upgrades to their facilities.

While, planning and investing in new healthcare facilities should crucially adopt a future-proof approach that is built on a foundation of key principles to ensure that the facilities remain relevant, adaptable, and technologically advanced in the face of rapidly changing challenges and advancements.

Factors such as rapid advancements in medical technology and equipment enhance diagnostic capabilities,  not only contribute to better patient outcomes but also enable new treatment options such as home-care.

The increased adoption of Telehealth services, and the digital transformation of healthcare information improves data accessibility, promotes interoperability, and supports more efficient and coordinated care, will create new models of healthcare and healthcare facilities more suited to changing lifestyle and patient preferences.

New economic models and the shift towards population health management requires facilities to upgrade to systems that support data analytics, risk stratification, and proactive care for specific patient populations.

Current focus on sustainability and environmentally friendly practices in healthcare pressurise facilities to implement energy-efficient systems, reduce waste, and adopt green building practices.

Evolving healthcare regulations and standards, such as those related to patient privacy, quality reporting, and safety protocols, may require facilities to upgrade their infrastructure to remain in compliance.

Increasing patient volumes, particularly during public health crises, necessary to expand capacity, streamline workflows, and improve overall operational efficiency.

Emergency Preparedness requires  measures to ensure continuity of care during crises, while Control Measures in response to infectious disease outbreaks, necessitate the implementation of touch-less technologies, and enhanced sanitation practices.

Expert Consultation

When seeking to access services development expertise to upgrade existing or plan new facilities, healthcare providers may encounter several challenges. Some of these difficulties include cost constraints, lack of a holistic approach, limited awareness of available expertise, vendor selection challenges and complex regulatory environment.

Cost Constraints: Especially small and medium-sized healthcare providers may struggle to allocate sufficient financial resources for hiring specialized personnel or outsourcing services development.

Lack of a holistic approach: The main issue when healthcare services planning lacks a holistic perspective, it often means that the focus is narrowed down to specific isolated aspects or individual components of healthcare service, neglecting the broader context and the interconnectedness of various elements. This can lead to fragmented, inefficient, or incomplete planning that may not adequately address the complex and multifaceted nature of healthcare delivery. Consultation providers should be aware and consider the many interconnected factors that can only be explained by reference to the whole. Implementing new medical technologies without strategic planning – considering factors such as safety and delivery efficiency will bear minimum fruit.

Limited Awareness of Available Expertise: Healthcare providers may not be fully aware of the available services development expertise. Identifying and selecting the right partners or professionals can be challenging, especially if there is a lack of visibility into the skills and capabilities of potential collaborators.

Vendor Selection Challenges: Choosing the right external vendors or partners for services development can be a complex process. Evaluating vendors for their expertise, reliability, and alignment with the provider’s goals requires careful consideration and due diligence.

Complex Regulatory EnvironmentHealthcare operates within a highly regulated environment, and providers may face challenges in navigating complex regulations related to data privacy, security, and compliance. Ensuring that services development aligns with these regulations requires specialized knowledge.

MAIC's Mission

What makes MAIC unique is its exceptionally comprehensive – integrated strategy and its holistic approach to healthcare services planning and development.

MAIC makes it easier, more effective, and cost efficient for healthcare service providers to access holistic expert consultations that while emphasising the main subject, will consider various aspects of the ever evolving healthcare services landscape.

MAIC consultants, called Speciality Leaders , come from various interrelated professional backgrounds such as medical, engineering, legal, policy, patient-centred care, healing environment, smart buildings and fire safety. Every speciality leader is backed up by a wealth of service providers related to his speciality, covering every aspect of healthcare services requirements.

Upon each consultation an interdisciplinary collaboration team is carefully formed based on selective criteria such as experience, cost, timeframe, scope, etc, to ensure that consultations are tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. While accommodating the specific requirements of the client’s project by the speciality leader, collaboration among other members in the team takes place to address all aspects of the project.

Additional tiered consultation services, may be generated and offered to help our clients achieve clinical excellence, operational efficiency, improving financial performance and delivering quality patient care.

Also, MAIC is hosting a streamlined global marketplace that carefully customises and manages the connection between healthcare development specialists, service providers, suppliers and factories around the world and clients seeking specific solutions. The unique marketplace classifies services according to the healthcare industry standards, while at the same time highlights the peculiar  advancements in services or solutions on offer that make each company standout. Thus helping clients making an informed choice based on accurate information.

Additionally, MAIC provides an online academy where ongoing industry training courses and engaging forums for healthcare providers to stay informed about advancements in healthcare technology and help providers make informed decisions in accessing the necessary expertise.

Future Goals

MAIC is always committed to growth and innovation. Our long term goal is to establish a Center of Excellence for Healthcare Services that globally leads in deriving industry standards, providing expert guidance, support, and solutions related to healthcare services. 

Also, we aim to establish partnerships with industry’s key stakeholders, experts, academic institutions, and other healthcare organisations and external entities to exchange knowledge, share best practices, and foster a global community dedicated to advancing healthcare services outcomes.

MAIC Values

As a healthcare development consultancy – MAIC has a set of guiding principles that reflect the organization’s commitment to ethical, quality-driven services and lasting relationships with clients and stakeholders. At MAIC we strive to achieve:


Uphold the highest standards of honesty, transparency, and ethical conduct in all interactions with clients, partners, and stakeholders. Operate with integrity to build trust and credibility.

Patient-Centric Focus

Prioritize the well-being, safety, and satisfaction of patients. Design and implement solutions that enhance the patient experience and contribute to positive health outcomes.

Quality Excellence

Commit to delivering high-quality services that meet or exceed industry standards. Strive for excellence in healthcare development by adhering to best practices and continuously improving service delivery.


Foster collaborative relationships with healthcare organizations, professionals, and industry partners. Recognize the importance of teamwork and interdisciplinary collaboration to achieve comprehensive and effective solutions.

Global Perspective

Adopt a global perspective in understanding healthcare challenges and solutions. Consider diverse cultural contexts and global best practices to inform healthcare development strategies.

Educational Advocacy

Advocate for healthcare education and knowledge-sharing. Contribute to the dissemination of information, best practices, and innovations that can benefit the broader healthcare community.

Customisation and Tailoring

Recognize the unique challenges and needs of each healthcare client. Provide customized and tailored solutions that address specific issues and contribute to the client's success.


Embrace a culture of innovation and proactively seek out cutting-edge technologies, methodologies, and solutions. Stay at the forefront of healthcare advancements to provide innovative and effective services.

Outcome-Oriented Approach

Focus on delivering measurable and tangible outcomes for healthcare clients. Develop services with a clear impact on patient care, operational efficiency, and overall organizational success.


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